Thursday, January 18, 2007

In Memory

Isn't it amazing how close we can get to someone just through words. This blog is about a netfriend of mine. His name is Greg and I have been talking to him online for about...2 years now. We talk almost daily, although can occasionally drift apart as our lives get busy and then months later pick up right where we left off.

Well a few months ago he told me that he and his wife were expecting a child. The baby was going to be born in February and was their first. He and I would talk for hours about baby names...the baby was to be a little girl, and they were having troubles coming up with a good name for her. We talked together about the nursery and all sorts of little things through our day to day chats. I was as excited for them as I could be!

This morning he informed me that they had lost their child over the weekend. His wife, Holly, was 34 weeks along when they rushed to the hospital for an emergency c-section. Apparently the umbilical chord was too short or something...I did not ask too many details as Greg was in a very sensitive state, understandably. They did get to hold her and even take some pictures. I cannot even imagine what these parents are going through. But have cried for them more than once today.

So I wanted to make this blog, to commemorate the short life of little Baby Bishop. She only spent a very short time in this life but was very loved. And I wish her well in her next incarnation.

1 comment:

Vivienne said...

How wonderful of you to do this for your friend and his wife. I know what they are going through and wish that they could be spared the pain that they are having to live with. Keep giving them your love and support, especially down the road. After a few months people will expect them to have "gotten over" their loss. People can be so very insensitive and cruel. When they're ready, a local support group that specializes in the loss of a child will help them to heal even further. I know it did me.