Tuesday, January 23, 2007


We weren't promised days without pain, laughter without sorrow,sun without rain, but we are promised strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
That's what we have,

Thursday, January 18, 2007

In Memory

Isn't it amazing how close we can get to someone just through words. This blog is about a netfriend of mine. His name is Greg and I have been talking to him online for about...2 years now. We talk almost daily, although can occasionally drift apart as our lives get busy and then months later pick up right where we left off.

Well a few months ago he told me that he and his wife were expecting a child. The baby was going to be born in February and was their first. He and I would talk for hours about baby names...the baby was to be a little girl, and they were having troubles coming up with a good name for her. We talked together about the nursery and all sorts of little things through our day to day chats. I was as excited for them as I could be!

This morning he informed me that they had lost their child over the weekend. His wife, Holly, was 34 weeks along when they rushed to the hospital for an emergency c-section. Apparently the umbilical chord was too short or something...I did not ask too many details as Greg was in a very sensitive state, understandably. They did get to hold her and even take some pictures. I cannot even imagine what these parents are going through. But have cried for them more than once today.

So I wanted to make this blog, to commemorate the short life of little Baby Bishop. She only spent a very short time in this life but was very loved. And I wish her well in her next incarnation.

Monday, January 15, 2007


This is a bit personal and will probably be very very long so if none of you chose to read it I can't blame you for it. I just wanted to vent a bit. So there is your warning....

Saturday night I received a phone call from my sister. I had previously told her that I had been recommended to see a certain therapist in Fort Smith for depression and she decided to go too. She called to ask me if I had gone to see her yet. Which I haven't...I am beginning to think I really don't need to. Especially after this incident.

She started telling me what the therapist does, she starts from 'when were you born?' and asks questions about your childhood, the discipline in the house, current relationships with family members and especially the parents. Of course I won't get into what she discovered too terribly much out of her own privacy. However I will say that she brought up a lot of things from my own past and upbringing that, while I had realized it and come to terms with it, I hadn't thought about in a very very long time.

I am sure you all are at least somewhat knowledgeable about Jehovah's Witnesses. But growing up in a household that follows that spiritual path is something else entirely. You are taught from early on to never question, to respect adults to the point that even if they are wrong, you cannot speak up for they are older than you and thus are correct no matter what. I can remember from a very early age...probably 3 or 4 years old...being scared to death of doing something wrong and thus losing favor in god's eyes (no caps for that word anymore damnit!).

My father, of course, was extremely controlling. My mother on the other hand, was the type that would say 'you just wait til your father gets home!'. We were expected to be the prim and proper children that got straight A's in school no matter what, and always looked nice and never talked back to anyone. And heaven forbid we step out of line! We would get spanked to the point of having marks on our backsides that lasted a week or more. The therapist told my sister that by today's standards it would be considered child abuse. However, I am not really complaining about any of that, I am thankful for my upbringing for the most part since it did make me the person I am today. And I have had to come to terms with all of this.

There was a point in my life that I blamed my parents for everything. I blamed them for the fact that my entire life was centered around that church! I was told who to be friends with, what to wear, how to think....And after having that your entire life...that being all you have ever known, and then it falls out from under you when you realize that it isn't the right thing for your life...it is very very difficult. All the people I had befriended, the people that I had been raised around were no longer allowed to speak to me. Everything I had been taught...none of it mattered anymore. My entire life was built around that church and I was told that as an adult I was to serve that church...and all of that was suddenly gone! I was lost! It was like starting all over as a teenager but being 20 years old. I had to figure out who I was and what I really wanted to be on my own! All the things that children start exploring and figuring out when they are teenagers, I was having to do as a married woman with a child. And I was extremely resentful towards my parents for this.

Gradually I came to the realization that, although I cannot control my childhood, I can control how I let it affect me now. My parents did the best they could do with what they knew. I did research on the internet and discovered that that church meets ALL of the warning signs for a cult, and that my parents were completely brainwashed. I became proud of who I am and my experiences, and for the fact that I can say "I got out of this situation on my own!". My sister is still dumbfounded at the fact that she and I are so terribly different. I always stood up to my father, always asked questions and when told to shut up, I would get in his face and argue with him. He never instilled that fear in me that he so deeply rooted into my sister.

I do not blame my parents for how I was raised. However I do blame that church! I blame those men that sit there and call themselves elders and tell everyone how to run their lives. I blame them for being so critical of everyone to the point that when you walk in the door you are bombarded with questions like 'oh I saw you here with so and so. what were you doing there?'. I blame them for my mother having extreme depression because none of those people gave a shit what she was going through. I blame them for not coming to help us out when my own father was serving as an elder in the church, while I was at home dealing with a mother with extreme depression by myself. And I especially blame them...for going up to my father a few months ago and saying 'If your wife and your daughters can't come to the church then you don't belong here either'. And he hasn't gone back since. This church has been my father's life for so fucking long (excuse my language here) and they dare tell him that he doesn't belong there!?!?!?!?! All the hell that I have gone through thanks to these people, the hell my sister is dealing with now because of these people and then they do this to my father?!?! When I was 13 years old I told my father that if the people at that church are supposed to represent their god, then that isn't a god I want to have dealings with because I hate his people.

I want to get beyond all of this. Right now my sister is still dealing with the way she was raised and the wrongs that my parents did to her. I am beyond that. I am dealing with the church. I want to get past the wrongs that have been done to my family by this church. I do not like having resentments. I do not feel it is healthy to resent anyone for anything and I try to avoid it at all costs. I especially do not like hatred as it is just a negative energy that solely affects me. I know none of those people care if I dislike them or not. But I cannot help but simply want to...GR@#%$#%^@$#!
Anyways, I will stop ranting now. For those of you that actually read all of this, I thank you for the attention and apologize for it being so long. I just had to get this off of my chest. I was up til 4 AM Sunday morning with all of this going through my head.
It's no accident, that when you look closely into the eyes of another, the very first thing you see, is yourself.
That when you hold their hand, you can feel your own warmth.
And that when you give of yourself, you give to yourself.
Because, quite simply, both you, and they, are me.
Let's get it started, un-huh - The Universe

Sunday, January 14, 2007

This is cool...

Hey all,

I'm so very glad that some of the folks from the group are comfortable enough with all of this to create, share and allow the rest of us to get to know them a bit more. This is so cool, please, keep up the great work and the sharing.

Lots of love and the brightest of blessings to all. Jasmin

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Nature of Perfection

More times in my life than I care to try and count, I have heard the phrases "Strive to be perfect." or "I'm looking for Mr./Mrs. Perfect." or any other phrase involving the word perfect. So now it is my term to talk about perfection.

Perfection sucks. (Didn't expect that one, did ya?) Oh, Samm, details? OK!

The nature of perfection is a state of unchange. It is a state of stagnation. The way of nature is change. Life, death, rebirth, the circle of life. Molecules gather to form something living, it dies, it decomposes, those molecules go to form something else. These are all states of constant change. Even inanimate objects, like rocks, are constantly changing due to weathering and erosion and what have you.

Let's look at it from a socio-political-psychological standpoint. For this we will create a nation. We will call it Unstam (get it?). And this nation needs a home, so we will place it upon a planet full of other nations. So we have a planet full of diverse and interesting people, some of which are part of the nation of Unstam. Just for the hell of it (and because I may need it in a bit), we will name the other nation Costsa. Unstam started out like any other nation of people. They were nomads, discovered fire, invented the wheel, developed agriculture. Fastforward to a post-industrial/pre-nuclear era, circa 1925. Unstam is at the top of it's game. They are the leader in all areas of advancement. They have the best medical, they have the fastest vehicles, all that good stuff. Now, the leaders of this great nation look around, decide everything is just about perfect, and erect this giant dome covering the whole country. Isolated. No one coming in, no one going out. They become a Communist society. The people are told what to think, what to do, how to live. And they are happy. Because everything is perfect.

Jump ahead 50 years (to about 1975). Due to unforeseen circumstances, the dome has to come down. Something with polution or weaking ultrastructure or something like that. Unstam is now in the world eye. The society that was once perfect reentering the world arena. But they are entering a world far advanced from them. While they were away, Costsa became the world leader, taking up the mantle of innovator. They have discovered how to split the atom, they have a man on the moon, they've done the whole "Age of Aquarius" thing, free love and all that. They are a truly enlightened nation. And poor ol' Unstam, still dancing the Charleston and driving Model T's. They were perfect, they saw no need to change, thus they became stagnant.

The nature of perfection is counter that of the nature of nature.

So, in conclusion, I don't want to be perfection. I want to be imperfect. I want to look in the mirror every day and decide, "Hey, it's time for a change. I need to better myself." Because the moment I decide I am too good to be better, I have confined myself to be stagnant and to let the world pass me by.

~~Samm! the Imperfect


Sometimes, to get from where we are to where we are going, we have to be willing to be in-between. One of the hardest parts of becoming conscious is the concept of letting go of what is old and familiar, but what we don't want, and being willing to stand with our hands empty while we wait for our higher power to fill them. This may apply to feelings. We may have been full of hurt and anger. In some ways, these feelings may have become comfortably familiar. When we finally face and relinquish our grief, we may feel empty for a time. We are in between pain and the joy of serenity and acceptance. Being in-between can apply to relationships. To prepare ourselves for the new, we need to first let go of the old. This can be frightening. We may feel empty and lost for a time. We may feel all alone, wondering what is wrong with us for letting go of the proverbial bird-in-hand, when there is nothing in the bush. We may have many feelings going on when we're in-between: spurts of grief about what we have let go of or lost, and feelings of anxiety, fear, and apprehension about what's ahead. These are normal feelings for the in-between place. Accept them. Feel them. Release them. Being in-between isn't fun, but it's necessary. It will not last forever. It may feel like we're standing still, but we're not. We're standing at the in-between place. It's how we get from here to there. It is not the destination. We are moving forward, even when we're in-between.

Today, I will accept where I am as the ideal place for me to be. If I am in-between, I will strive for the faith that this place is not without purpose, that it is moving toward something good.
~Melody Beattie~

Friday, January 12, 2007


I have decided that I will become a Buddha in this lifetime. I will transcend the human frame of mind, evolve my brain past that of Homo Sapien, and achieve true Enlightment. I may even get one of those knobby things on my head like Siddhartha did. (Siddhartha being the last Buddha.)

I am doing this for many reasons. All of which I will gladly share with you whether you want me to or not. (Knowledge is power though, so technically, I am making you more powerful by imparting previously unknown knowledge on you, so you should be thanking me.)

Tax breaks. Religions get tax breaks, so if I use my superior intellect to form a religion of sorts, we all get tax breaks! All meaning me and my Disciples and Prophets (more on that later).

I get to teach without having to go to school and get a piece of paper saying I am legally able too. Because, you know, I love to teach (spread Enlightenment and empower the powerless), and what better to teach than how to think for yourself?

Groupies. That's right, groupies. Men and women willing to do whatever I ask of them. You know you want groupies too, so don't act all shocked about it.

Celebrity status. Just look at the Pope or the Dhali Lama. They are famous just for being figureheads within their respected religions. Which leads too...

Money. Lots and lots of tax free money. Kinda like a tele-evangelist without the sleeze. And the fake healing of people. I call it "religious profitteering with a conscience".

So, many of you may be wondering, "But Samm, isn't this just basically what cult leaders do?" And to that I have to say...yes, yes it is. But the difference between them and me? No poison Kool-Aid. And I'm not claiming to be Jesus. Just a Buddha. The only second coming we are concerned about in my teachings are the ones mentioned in sex jokes. (Think on that a second, it will come to you.)(no pun intended)

As I have stated previously here, the one thing I cannot comprehend is how people can blindly follow another without thinking for themselves. I cannot wrap my head around a concept such as blind devotion. Except maybe to a lover, but then you are just asking to be cheated on. So the Teachings of Samm are pretty damn simple. Don't believe what I believe, believe what YOU believe. Find Enlightenment where you will, how you will, when you will. Don't let others tell you what to think, not even me. In fact, if you are even listening to anything I say, you don't belong in my religion. I could go on to explain my own spiritual path, but that is like a series of blogs all on it's own, and I don't even understand half of it.

And now comes the fun part. Disciples and Prophets. You have heard these terms before, I know you have. But in my teachings, they may be alittle different. Disciples are simply my entourage, my closest groupies who I am willing to share the fame with. And all my marketing manangers and PR people will be in that group. Don't alienate those that work for you if you expect them to do their job right. Prophets, on the other hand, are what I am going to call my priests or what-have-you. Prophets spread the Word of Samm to those that want to be in my religion. Currently I am taking applications for both positions, so you can just email me at korruptedharmony@yahoo.com for more info or to tender your app. If we get this off the ground now people, it will give me more time to get to that whole transcending thing, and plenty of time to get crackin' on that tax shelter stuff. Not to mention the money. Lots o' money.

So stop being sheep for other religions and join my flock! (That should be my logo...) I will turn you all into stubborn self-thinking goats before long. Though, considering this group, most of you are that already...

~~Samm! the Bodhisattva (look it up if you are curious)


Each Friday I go to the school to help Kailyn's teacher make copies. I do this because I know how difficult it is to keep up with just two children, let alone 24. And if I have time I like to eat lunch with Kailyn while I am there. Emily enjoys it as well and it gives me a chance to look around and see what is going on at the school.

Well I have began to notice a lot of things that have changed since I was in school. When I was in school the teachers sat with their class during lunch, right at the top of the table and supervised their own class. Now the teachers take off to their own little lunch area and the lunch room is supervised by two women. And unlike when I was in school, the children are supposed to sit down, eat their food, be quiet, be still, it is like being in a monostary or something. No wonder my daughter started getting stomach aches and not wanting to go to school! And these women....they remind me very much of the wicked stepmother from Cinderella. Now, don't get me wrong, they may be very nice people outside of this environment. But in the lunch room they are always yelling, and screaming, and telling these children that they are not allowed to speak. As if it isn't bad enough that the children must remain silent in their classrooms all morning long, which is needed for learning and completely understandable...now they have to be silent during lunch as well?
What has happened to the schools?!?!?!


I had to download firefox to get this page to open for me. For some reason my internet exploder did not like the link to this site. But that is fine since I have been needing to download Firefox for awhile now.
So anyways, I'm here! When I have time I am sure you will be getting posts about all the things I see that piss me off. For instance, last night on a television show (Carlos Mencia, not sure how many of you watch it but he is hilarious), the host walked around with a bull horn and a camera, letting people complain or say anything they want to to the public. And the stuff that people chose to say I found just...petty. One woman sat there admitting to the world that she enjoys fatulance. I was thinking to myself...ok you have a chance to say anything you want on national television and this is what you chose to talk about? Very few even mentioned political or moral issues, and the one woman that did mention Iraq said "I don't like what is going on in Iraq", and when asked to explain she couldn't. The one I found really funny was the woman that said "Southerners are slow.". He was doing these little interviews in the streets of New York City. I just thought to myself, hmm we're slow but the people around you can't see past the noses on their face.
I'll take slow anyday.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Blog things ( what time of day are you?)

***You Are Sunrise***
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.

I about fell over when I saw that....lol

I do enjoy the sunrise very much. I make it a point to see it almost everymorning. Wish I lived on a mountian. I like the sunset just as much and clear night sky full of stars. Love it when the moon is full and the its partly cloudy and theres a ring around the moon and sometimes a rainbow.

Monday, January 8, 2007

So, being unemployed and relationshipless, I am granted with alot of time to think. Which I do plenty, because I can't shut it off. And time and again my thoughts loop back to a certain number of topics. Over the years, these change. When I was younger, it was school, religion, and girls. As I grew older, money, religion, and girls. Anymore I have given up on caring about school or money, with the exception of trying to find a job, and religion is just boring and confusing. Things happen, end of story (though I still don't understand the whole "blindly following someone else"). Girls are just as confusing as religious people, and I've given up on thinking about them as well. Just gives me a headache. So now I'm stuck with the problem...what to think about? I think alot about entertaining myself, but with movies and video games, I don't have to worry too much on that. So now I am stuck without anything useful to think about! I started this little blog without anything to really say, and it looks like I've accomplished that.

Is it a weak mind, a weak will, a desire not to be alone, or a fear of the unknown that drives people to religion? A can't understand the kind of person that would so blindly follow something such as religion. Very recently, these past few days, I have been thinking about this as I played Neverwinter Nights on my PC, because in many of the scenarios religion plays a factor. Anyways, my mind is wandering, so that's that for now.

"Well, it's a crazy fucked up world and we're all just floating along waiting for someone who can walk on water, man." ~~Heroin Bob, SLC Punk!

This is how I feel today.......

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Its a beautiful day

Its a beautiful day to go away and find flowers in the desert sand,
its a beautiful day to go away and hold your hand.
Please come back for one more kiss,
apart of me lived and died through this.
Its beautiful day to go away and hold your hand.
Good Morning, Sunrise

Saturday, January 6, 2007

LIfe is way too short....

Hey gang,

One of my many epiphanies, and I have many, is that life is just way too short...

It's too short to be angry at those who have hurt me. The best revenge is living well and waving from the limo as they walk to the bus stop.

Life is too short to not walk around, or in my case motor around, without a smile on my face. It makes the "normal" folks very nervous.

Life is way too short to ever take myself too seriously. After all, the IRS should be the only ones to take me seriously, I've got their money!!!

Life is way too short to worry about fashions and fads, if I wait around long enough I'll get to see it all again anyway - only this time on girls that can't quite pull it off. Or on middle aged women that look like they robbed a 12 year olds closet!!

Life is way too short not to eat dessert first. I'll take seconds on that triple chocolate cake, thank you!

Life is way too short no to love yourself for yourself. The world is filled with lots of folks that love to see others in misery and pain - the perfect defense is to be your own best friend and cheerleader.

Life is way too short to take the ridiculous right-wing fundies seriously. They are just looking for excuses to not do the right thing for society and the world, after all why bother when the world is going to end any time now and Jesus will take them all to heaven. When that happens can I have your car?

Now let's see what the others can add, how about it gang?

Hey Everybody!

Just got the invite. I guess, I've been absent from the other boards lately, but I plan on making a return. Good to hear from everybody.


Well here am I

Well hello everyone,
Hope everyones Christmas and New Years was a good one.
Well just wanted to say hey and welcome.
Thanks for the invite Mama Jasmine.

Glynn R. Williams III
Revered Moments Photography

And we're off and running...

Great, a few folks have accepted my invite and now we're off and running, blogging. Anyway, I know that there are some very creative people in the group and I look forward to reading what you might want to share over hear.

Bright blessings, Jas


Thank you for this invite.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Blessings Always, -Rickqi Hawk-

Well, here we are - now what??

Well, here we are with our own blog spot. Now what? Well, this might be a great place for the group to rant, rave, blog, post poetry, etc.... Let's give it a try.